Friday 8 July 2011

Be Thankful Be Cherish!

again I've just realized how lucky I am :D iyaa gue tau ini sering banget sadarnya.hehe tapi bersyukur itu penting looh kawan.
too MUCH things that i can't even explain but let me tell you something that i could..
my family is a happy family with lots of madness and a lil bit yell. i do really happy that my mom and dad didn't got divorce about 4 years ago. woow, it kinda long time :) Alhamdulillah. gakebayang juga sih kalo sampe kejadian. kemungkinan gue kuliahnya mungkin kecil karena gue pasti milih kerja supaya ade-ade gue ikut gue dan gabergantung sama orang tua gue. even they live separately because they have a job in different city, tapi itu lebih baik karena seenggaknya mereka ketemu tiap akhir pekan. biar si ayah sering tidur sih kalo dirumah juga.ahaha (tapi tetep aja dirumah serasa org pacaran, gatau apa ini anaknya ngiri weey -__-)
then, the things that make me more thankful is i am all grown up. not only me, but also my handsome brothers.ehehe i wish i will have a candidate for being my lil sister in law soon. Amin :) kesalon bareeeng calon adeek ipar. yuhuuu asiik. ada temen main barbie juga sekarang #loh?
my Dad is the best FATHER ever in this entire world. my Mom is also the best MOTHER ever in this entire world.
both of them are the BEST PARENTS ever :)
my parents also give the things that i really need. not what i want, but what i need. that is a wise choice. hal lain yg patut disukuri ya itu gue masih bisa ikut zakat 2,5% buat orang yang ga mampu. kalian udah beluum? (ini bukannya buat yang udah kerja yah? pp kok. kita mulai dari sekarang. itung-itung nolong orang looh ceman :D )
they also give their kids best education ever. then i do thankful that God trust me for being a college student. its a state university. i am kind of lucky girl. kenapa? karena dari sekian banyak temen gue yang jelas banget mau masuk univ negri plus gue tauu mereka punya kemampuan lebih, mereka malah gamasuk. gue yang dipilih buat jadi mahasiswa univ negri. Alhamdulillah :)
here, i have alotta friends that always cheer me up and makes me feel that i am such a lucky girl and being useful this world. even sometimes i dont even know how to cheer them up when they feel sad, i always pray for they happiness. Maacih loh temen-temeeen ;)
well then talk about physic, im not the ugly ones not pretty too, just the ordinary ones but you'll never find someone like me outside there. disamping itu biar kadang gue pengen gemuk dan orang bilang gue kurus *fakta sih* banyaak loh yang pengen punya badan kaya gue.ehehe Eat as Much as possible without being Fat easily.haha

keep get going all.
may Allah be with you :)

quote: Tuhan memberikan kita kebebasan seluas-luasnya untuk menentukan nasib kita asal kita memantaskan diri untuk nasib tersebut :)

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apa pendapat kalian??