Tuesday 23 November 2010


Okaay. First of all i need better signal and connectivity. Aaaah damn. I wanna scream.


I dunno what wrong with telkomsel. Ussualy its get soooooooooo fast here, but this is to looooooooooong and wastingtime. Najis ih L

Theen, my 53 is veryyyyyyyyyyyyy stupid. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Hard to fnd signal. I wanna throw them out ih ...

Thursday 11 November 2010

soal cita cita

i dont know how could it be.
nowadays i have more patient to be a student of law faculties.
omg.. i want it >.<
then i have a lot of things to be taught before move. first, civil engineering is moooreee promising than law fac. (i guess) but in the other side, it also have a lot of big risk ahead even i know there will be always something ahead us.
somehow, i feel very lucky to be here at unsud, but i do want the other unversity nearer to my family.

honestly, since i was a lil kid a loong time ago, i wanted to be a big bos. biiig biig booos ever who only come to the office when i have a call or appointment only.hehehe
its still being my prior, or maybe i can be a consultant. senior consultant at agung podomoro group.aheeeeeeeeey
Amiiin ya Allah, may my wish be granted :))
(my friends said that im so cruel for being wanted to be like that!oalaah...)

i wanna tell you readers for many times, i choose sience program at seniorhigh was not for being a scientist in science side. but for being a law experxt ever.
then suddenly, i turn it over into a engineering fac. weew, its soooooooooo 180 degrees of change --,

hueee big hesitate ~~~
i need help for sure...

Wednesday 10 November 2010

main baru omeglee

well gapunya kerjaan jd iseng..

Stranger: dont know
You: same
Stranger: yes
Stranger: i just know asl
You: haha
You: you?
Stranger: what
You: your asl..
Stranger: 19 male usa
Stranger: you
You: 18 female ina
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

yg sebelumnya malah lebih aneh. liat pp lgsung disconect.wakakakak

Tuesday 9 November 2010

mengenai kartun dan temennya

ya tuhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan gue pengen banget ikutan cosplay jd si sakuraa. trus ada kek gitu yg jd eriol apa syaoran.hahah (ngayaaaaaaaal abis... )
suka deh liat mreka.
liat niiiiiiiii

ini rame ramee loh. hueeeeeh mau liaat...
 liat ga yg abu abu rambutnya? si ka yukito a.k.a yue.hahaha ya ampuuuuuuuun muka surga abis >.<
ganteng, senyum mulu, pinter, haaaah naksir ....
niih niiiiiiiiiih niiiiiiiiih
ini kalo jdi yue..
ganteng menawan.ahahaha

ini muka si kakak laki laki yg perfect..

lalu ini muka org yg gue suka semuaaaaaaaa ekspresinya.hahahay

dan ini kartu yg sampai sekarang TIDAK PEERNAH TERBELI. sebab mahal dan sayang duit.haha
trakhir gue cek, yg kumpli sama buku harganya 700 rebu. wedeeeeeeeeh serasa anak terlanjur kaya gue beli gitu gamikir2.. tapi mau :((

dan ini adalah satu satunya cosplay clow card paling perfect sedunia.....
kalo rambut gue panjang, bisa ga yaaa.ahahaha
bisa laah ~~~~~~~

belajar ngalkir

sumpah demi apapun gue lebih seneng disuru ngecat pake apaan kek ketimbang make rapido pluuus di atas klkis. ih --.
bleber :((

Saturday 6 November 2010

jogja oh jogja

2 day ago. after uts. iwent to yogyakarta :))
using elf, with the other expedition team. yeah..
but what we were intented were help the other. humanition mission.ahahaha

well, actually i wanna crying a bit there. i saw a lot of kids had tosleep with newspaper as the bed.
huee guys, lets we pray for indonesia!

then i played a games with them. i made a frog with origami from frog. and they soo happy. huee its so sweet. why? okay first, thats only a colored paper. then i fold it to make a frog. after it i teach them and give them the other colored paper. after it, they feel so happy >.<

ps: look at the ashes. reewwr

 gabung gabung sama anak UGM. heey they are senior. so we are the xpeditionist is the kewwwl person.

Monday 1 November 2010

tantangan dari rosa

ini lanjutan bermain ekspresi.
kali ini modelnya cowo.hehe

yep sudah memenuhi pesenan si bude rosa :))
ada lagi yg mau mesen? coba kirim fotonya via email.haha

main main muka baru :))

well, entah kenapa blog gue yang ini jadi alih fungsi ke tempat kumpulan foto gue.hehehe



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