Thursday 19 August 2010

hari ini :)

tadi pagi gue ke daan mogot di anter si muam dan dapet
well, yaah berhubung gue kepepet jd tadi aga 'nyelip' dikit.ehehehe
pulang dr situ tuh panaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas ampe bikin kunang-kunang.beeeh
sampe rumah pun tidur..

sorenya, gue yg masi kepingin banget a.k.a ngidam cumi bakar, nyari di carefour cumi-cumi, dapeet looh.hahaha besook masak, mau mau mau??
trus pas bayar di kasir, mba-mba kasirnya bilang nanya,
"ini aja blanjanya bunda?"
weew, serasa org paling manis banget gue di panggil bunda >.<
gue iyain aja deh itu mba, mungkin tu mba ga tau kali ya dia jauh lebih tua dr gue.ahahahaha
kluar dr carefour, gue brnti sbentar dipinggir jalan, ngamatin anak kecil, kakak adik gitu deh, akraaaab banget.
makin pengen lah gue punya panti asuhan,, tp mimpi ini paling berat buat di wujudkan ketimbang naik haji sepertinya..
klau naik haji itu, nabung tiap bulan juga bisa ksampean (Amiin ya Allah). cuma panti asuhan ini looh tanggung jawabnya >.<
bisaaa naii, semangaaat :))
blajar yg bener makanya...

Wednesday 18 August 2010

i make my hand-sewing-machine broken

i bought this things one year ago and never use it because i couldnt..
then, today, i used it, i can but unfotunately it was broken just in a second..


its supposed to be like this..


Tuesday 17 August 2010

bon bon INDONESIA :)

i post this thing at the last time today to make it showed at the toooop page.ehehehe
see :)

about get jealous again...

heem, gatau knp gue kpikiraan lagi mau ambil fakultas hukum taun depan (ngotot amat si -.-)
well, its just a simply reason..
gue mau buat org melek hukum tanpa harus jd pengacara. tpi yaah mreka gaakan percaya gue gitu aja kalau basicly, im not an law expert..

sebenernya sih apapun jdnya gue nanti (mandoor kewwl, Amiin Ya Allah.ehehe) gue mau berguna buat org lain dan buat diri gue sendiri juga..
gue mw jadi ahli gizi pun salah satunya karena gue mau nolong orang miskin, tanpe perlu jadi dokter.
coba kalian pikir, kalo gizi mreka baik, lingkungan sehat, bukan gamungkin pikiran mreka sehat...
lagi pula, mencegah kan lebih baik drpd mengobati, jd yaa gue beranggepan bantu org jd sehat melalui hidup sehat (halah, makan 3 kali sehari aja jaraang lo naai --.) lebih baik drpd sekadar mengobati.

gue mau bantu org dengan cara gue.. nah skrg yg gue pikirin, masuk jurusan tk. sipil cara gue nolong org gmn?
klo gue ambil pertanian atau peternakan paham, tpi kalo sipil, gue masi mikir gue mesti apa...
well, gue emg pengen punya panti asuhan atau banyak anak angkat atau anak asuh nanti, tapi tanggung jwabnya sangaaaaaaat besar (Insyaallah bisa, Amiin)
yaah caranya gue berbuat baik masi tetap gue pikirkan, yg penting gue mencoba menjadi orang yang baik dan benar buat negara.hehe
Amiin Ya Allah...

emir mahira

okee ini anak maniss yg gue baru sadar tadi.ahaha
Emir Mahira :)
pemain utama di film garuda di dadaku.ehehe
manis pinter main bola :) yeeey
ngefans juga jdnya ama ini anak....
liaat mukanyaa.


imuuut yaaaaaa >.<
keeewwwl >.<

takut karena...

heem, biasa kan kalo gue bilang org takut karena salah??
nah tapi klo gue ngerasain tuh yaa gacuma itu, biasanya sih emg ada dua alasan kenapa takut atau males ketemu org...

pertama, karena gue punya salah, ini kenapa gue ngeri ktmu polisi klo lagi bawa moto, GUE GAPUNYA SIM.haha
abiiis ke daan mogot ama siapir gue??
nembak 560.000 yg ada, pdhal bikin d daanmogot gasampe sgitu >.<

kdua, gue gsreg sama tu org, entah karena gasuka, atau emg tu org malesin, yaah semacam gue gbisa respek sama tu org makanya males..hehe

well, in ussual case, seneng atau gaseneng, mau atau gamau, kita harus ngadepin orang-orang yg bahkan gamau kita dengernamanya...

dunia yg sempit

well, inilah dunia, meski luas tapi tetep sempit, jd intinya makna luas itu relatif yah?
mari gue mengenang masa lalu...

heem, jaman tk, gue punya temen (iyalaaah) tp sayangnya gue gtw dimana dan gimana mreka skrg.. yg gue inget cuma si fikri krna gue maen ama dia mulu, pluus egi karena rumahnya disebelah tk dan punya poon kecapi yg dlu tuh gue doyan banget ama kcapi.hehe

trus, anak sd..
well, gue merasakan dua sekolah yg berbeda, soalnya dr klas 1 sampe kelas 3 cawu 1 gue di SDIT NURUL HIKMAH di matraman, dkt voncvitae blakangnya klo gaslaah.. daaaan tmn gue yg namanya dinda masi inget sama gue.ehehehe ngajak reunian pula (maaf diin, gabisa ikut aku >.<)
sd yg satu lagi, SDIT GEMA NURANI, naah ini yg lebih bikin bingung, knp? soalnya laki gue satu sd, serasa dunia sempit, tp jodoh uda di atur si emang.ehehehe
nah sebagian anak sd gue yg ini knal (deket malahan) sama tmn smp gue...

smp, SMPN 5 BEKASI, nah smp ini lah gue tau makna toleransi ke org lain, karena disini ada ekskul yg lo bisa aktif tanpa harus nunggu ditunjuk guru kayak waktu sd...
heem, anak smp gue sih emg gada yg satu skolah lagi, tp yaah ada lah yg skolahnya deket2 sama lingkungan sma gue..

sma, SMAN 50 JAKARTA, naah disini laah gue ktmu arti perjuangan hidup.haha
banyak kejadian yg gue kira tuh temnanya sinetroon banget kejadian di sini.haha
aneh ya??

kuliah, UNSOED Fak. Sain dan Teknik Jurusan Tk. Sipil... naah inii yg bikin dunia terlihat sempitt. tmn SMP gue banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak sekali yg disini, tmn SMA sih seitungnya gue 3...
tapi tmn smp ini looh.haha
1 jurusan aja bertiga, blom yg di fakultas lain..

ya ya ya, dunia sempit, tpi gue bersyukur dengan luas atau sempitnya dunia ini.hehe

on the night like this - mocca

On the night like this
There's so many things I want to tell you
On the night like this
There's so many things I want to show you

Cause when you're around
I feel safe and warm
Cause when you're around
I can fall in love every day

In the case like this
There are a thousand good reasons
I want you to stay...

Monday 16 August 2010

saya belum bisa tidur

okee, hari udah tengah malem, laki gue udah tidur, daan gue melek sendirian mlm ini.
gabisaa tiduuur >.<
ya Allah, melek ni mata..
heem, penyebabnya mungkin gr2 gue tidur td siang, saking teparnya nyari keperluan buat kosan (knp ga disana aja? soalnya gada yg kendaraan pribadi disana, besok aja masi nyari lagi gue -,-)
dari kejadian hr ni sama taun lalu, gue berpikir kalo emg gue gbisa kepasar dengan keadaan puasa atau gue bakalan stenga sadar lagi di pasar...
well, tp tidur siang gue enak looh, sambil ngompres badan pake es batu ukuran plastik stenga kilo.ahahaha
dingin dan kasur emak gue basah (sedikit)

Friday 13 August 2010

Next next :)

This post is about other things that I wanna post it before.hehe

This is 11 August 2010 8.11 PM

While waiting my mom finished taking pray, I do keep writing my post.hehe

Remember my old post …

I forget to you about this. I saw a lil girl sold a big bucket of tomatoes. You know what? She brought a hand phone which is the same tipe like my lil bro has.haha

My theory is accepted, in Jakarta we don't even know who is really in the bottom grade or at the top grade ever -.-

Then, when I went to purbalingga, I saw something that I guess it is amazing.

See this pict.

Can you imagine that both of them run after the train only for 10k or 20k? wew, even I found an old man. They supposed to be stayed at home, enjoy their time with their family…

I even don't have to run after the train only for 20k.

If you go too Jatinegara Train Stasion, you may see a potter whose back number is 28 (named joni or Jodi, I really forget, he is good potter ever.ehehehe J)

You know, when I have my monthly-shopping, a middle aged woman (by looking at her outfit, I think she is middle-end-economically) she looking at my family crate. For the first, I didn't know what is she wonder about my crate, and then she asked my mom, "bu, buka warung yah?"

"ga ko bu, blanja bulanan aja"

"oh saya kira buka warung. Ko banyak banget bu?"

"iya buat bulanan, skalian buat puasa, klo abis ya beli lagi"

Then I know what she was thinking.

Not long time after that, she asked me again.

"gabuka warung mba?"

I did lil bit surprised, "ah? Iya bu, buat bulanan aja"

"saya kira buat buka warung abis banyak banget"

Well a trolley full filled by many item plus a bucket (full filled too) is a lot of things.

It's my family habit, once in a month stored my storage with grocery…

That woman realized me (again and again) how lucky I am.

Thank God for give me such a wonderful family…

This is what I wanna post since long time agooo

First chapter...

Yeaah, because I didn't have enough time to enjoy posting, I didn't posting for long time (not really.hehe)

Okay, I write this post using Ms. Word (again) and post it later because now (Tuesday, August 10, 2010 ; 08.04 PM) I don't bring my modem.ehehehe

Im here, at my kos-kosan :DD

Even I got a trouble with the keyhole (tomorrow someone will fix it) I do enjoy writing this post…

I guess, ill need some adaptation here. Why? First, because I love to wash my foot, even if I only went to my aunt house (her house is only some step of my door) but here, my wc (actually, it's not belongs to me. Belong to everyone who lives here) it located outside my room. Next, I usually drink a glass of juice once in a day, so I bet ill miss it. Other problem is, I sleep here aloneee… usually there were my lil bro beside me, gonna miss them…

Huee, other things for you to know is wc is such inspiring place (ive said it before) but, I cant stay at this kos-kosan wc for a long time… it will troubled other person…

Heem, that's about my kos-kosan. Next its about film, Jurassic park. You know?? It's a film about dinosaurs, do you know dr. Grant?? Huee I admire him >.<

He is to the point and imaginative, good teacher ever I bet J

But I have a question, why they didn't make herbivore only? (I know the answer, because if there is only herbivore, the film wouldn't be famous.ehehehe)

Next film is Mr. Bones. Well, I see a cigarette made from animal waste, and its sooo yuck… I hate cigarette and smoker a lot, and this film makes me hate cigarette a lot >.<

Hoo, about cigarette, you know someone who is alcoholic? (heeh? It's not about cigarette.hehe, but its friends) like Gery Iskak (iyaa apah namanya ini? Lupaa…) I don't know what he was thinking about, he had a serious problem because he loves to drink before, and he still drink it?weeeh.. Somehow I don't even know how it could be… Not only about him, but other person who like him…


Second chapter…

The other part of my post. I post this part at 11 August 2010 7:53 PM

Next thing is about my problem here. There is no much public transportation here >.< I need to take long time to wait the bus, and the bus stop in some place in very looooooooooooooooooooooooong time to take passengers L

I need my own vehicle, if I buy a bike, oh my God, I'll never get my ideal weight (I've just lost 4 kilos)

If I have motorcycle, God, it's dangerous here. Imagine that in front of you house a car could run at 140 kmph. Crazy… besides that, I remember what my father said, "If you wanted to drive a motorcycle, drive it as if you drive a car" and then I'm thinking that I don't want to drive a motor in that condition. I'm not feel save, except my motor could run faster or my father give me motorcycle.

If I buy a car, I even couldn't drive it yet L

Taxi? It's a rare thing ever I guess.

Other topic is about my school, as long as I know, since PG, JS, JHS, and even SHS, both of my parents decided it for me. But for the university it's my own decision (proud of my university, UNSOED).hehehe

Heem, when I ate my dinner near my kos-kosan, I met someone, her name is HANA, he is my SENIOR at civil engineering J she is beautiful, polite, and friendly person. I'm so glad to meet her. She told me many things… thank you soo much kak J

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Lets pray again

Dear readers, I hope you wanna help me again…

Please take a minute to pray for adnin's grandma, may her rest in peace. Amiin

Good, hope you keep her in your safest place ever and let she happy for ever beside you. Amiin

Weird syndrome

Have you ever heard there is a mom who kills her baby? A psychiatrist said that it is caused by the parent especially the mother usually don't wanted the baby *so why they made it?

Then it could be handling by keep close to God, and never shy to share everything with your couple, friends, etc…

Tuesday 3 August 2010

A lot post waiting

Since Im too busy now, I cant posting all of post -.-

And my tumblr? Oh my God, It take a looooooooooooooong time to post. *I cant use ms word to post -.-

I cant open my plurk so my karma went down…

I cant play some of my games on facebook…

Huee, damn it >.<

Ekonomi – Ekonomi AC

Hari ini, gue k jatner nyari bahan bua bikin baju bermodal 150K, guess what? I was using a train.

Deket ye rumah gue ama jatner, knapa bisa naik kreta?

Ehehehe, okay this is because I went there with dinar…

Ini salah satu perjalanan gila yg pernah ada… I swear it…

Mulai dari berangkat yg cengangas-cengenges, ampe cerita pulang yg paling bego.

Imagine, 13.30, the security said the train will came at 14.00, so I decided to take pray first since I still have half of hour.

But after I finished my wudhu, I heard information that said my train was comin…

Yees, I do need twice tought which should I take first, dinar and me was very confused..

Then a man told me, "kenapa dek?"

"keretanya dtg pak"

"yauda naik aja, sholat masi ada besok"


Well, that's the most advice that ive ever hear -.-

But I take train first, go to ardi's house and I took a pray there..

*sorry God, I don't mean to…

Lets pray :D

Dear readers, whoever you are, I hope you will help me by pray for it too…

God, I hope You'll granted my other wishes…

I hope Adnin's grandma get well soon, and then both of them live happily there.

Don't take her away, just take her illness, please…

I do beg it from You for sure J

I do love both of them; please give everything that would be the best for everyone. Amiin


Actually I wanna post it yesterday, but since my mom busy with this laptop so I cant >.<

Monday 2 August 2010

am i?

temen gue bilang gue perfeksionis..
guru gue bilang gue idealis..
emak gue bilang gue idealis banget..
bapak gue bilang gue suka ngade bulu mata (baca: tidur) *gada hubungannya -.-
heem, i dont mind if they told me that i'm idealistic or perctionis.
even i'm prous of is.
at least i have my own standard, not only give up with every condition.
and i think its good to have your own way to achieve what you really want.

well, sometimes its not good for being idealistic or perfectionis, but i think as long as you listen to other people advice and never be a assheaded-person (means stupid and stubborn)

mana yang baik?

oke, baru aja gue denger berita tentang kebakaran.
disitu gue denger "tidak ada korban jiwa, namun diperkirakan kerugian mencapai ratusan juta rupiah"
gue baru engeh tiap brita soal kebakaran, pasti ada kalimat begitu.
parahnya gue baru sada, jd sbenernya mreka tuh maunya apa? ada korban tpi gada kerugian? mending ada krugian drpd ada nyawa ilang...

What's your favorite type of flower?

white rose and freshia

hello every one...

Sunday 1 August 2010

im gonna make those things come true :D

i want it to be come trus, waiting for the sewer >.<