Haii peps.
Saya telat posting...
Kemarin, which is just over about one hour ago, I had quite a long day. Entah gimana ceritanya saya bangun jam 10 pagi. Iya, sepuluh pagi, lebih tepatnya pagi menjelang siang. Yes I do sleep late like literally early morning but still...
Aapun ceritanya, hari ini saya bangun dan dikagetkan dengan BAP seminar hasil saya yang gatau dimana T_T
Alhamdulillah katanya kalau tak ada pun tak apa-apa, selama SPK masih ada.
Yep Finnaly skripsinya fix dijilid. Alhamdulillah <3
Later on, di sore hari yang sangat mendung saya foto studio untuk keperluan wisuda dkk.
Itu ada sayanya di belakang, jangan dikira bunga semua tolong :) |
Turns out that I don't like the result.hehehe
Foto kali ini ga sebagus kemarin, entah lah... It looks good at the first time I saw it, but turns out that I don't like it...
My Last Picture was this btw... |
Pengen foto lagi ih serius, atau pake foto yang kemarin aja sekalian :")
Setelah foto, saya makan di APS dr. Angka Purwokerto. Kali ini ketemu Adel. Temen seangkatan saya yang tadinya kerja di Jakarta tapi lalu pindah ke Purwokerto. Yay!
Nunggu adel laams :")
Welcomee back delee...
Ada teman karokee uyeaay!
Saya makan sama Inti dan Adel, tadinya foto bareng Hajek dan Aming tapi mereka berdua gamau makan. Mungkin diet :")
Oh anyway hari ini berat saya 52 kilo sebelum makan *mansae~~~
Ngantri ngambil foto setelah makan |
Make up check after 2 hours and
Make up check after 3 hours
But anyway this is my go to make up for almost every occasion.ehehehe This last until 10 pm. I am on my period so I woke up late and don't wash my face the entire day out.
The make up check picture has no flash and no beauty filter. Straight from the front camera of Galaxy Note II (yes it still working on me, Alhamdulillah. Really love it!).
I really like the aloe gel, dd cream, and foundie combo for long last make up time. They work so well with me (I mix them, not using lot of layer of them). I am using Zoya Eyeshadow in Caramelo which is for me is kinda hard to blend. Review soon on moeslema.com :)