Tuesday 23 March 2010

sisaan dari otak gue part II

heeey. youu!!
i have other question
1. knapa org minum baygon mati, mintum SUN** enggak?? sama2 minyakk kan?? emang dasar gue aja yang bego, jawabannya uda jelas ditanya
2. kalian pilih mana, org miskin yang cuman bisa makan pagi dan siangnya mikir, atau org kaya yg gapernah ngotak??

then other stupid idea.
berhubung OBAMA doyan sate (gue liat di wawancaranya katanya dia suka sate dan masi inget tukang sate yang teriak "sateeeeeeeeeee") kayaknya sih sate padang, gue jd mikir gini:
"gimana kalo seandainya gue jualan sate depan WHITEHOUSE?"
laku kan??

answer: banget! hahahaha
tapi yah ksian org amerika gatau indonesia. kasian kasian kasian *logat upin ipin

next topic, bocah smp *note: special for 1st grade
with their bigger uniform, they go to school with their innocent face. isn't it funny?? aaah, if only i could back to jhs time...

other thing i want to share is...
what and why i choose these faculties:
1. gizi : i wanna be a good chef and have big effort to break the famine in indonesia
2. arsitektur : i love to draw, and also i wanna make my own house.
3. geodesi : yeaaah i wanna be an earth scientist
4. hukum : so i'll never be cheated by the fraudulent and be a good p-r because i always give advanteges for my company.amiiin (i don't wanna be a lawyer or judge)
5. hi : international relationship :D

actually i have other faculties to in, but all people beside me mostly don't agree if i take it T_T

bellow is all to-do listed if i accepted on one of unversity:
1. make my new room design
2. clean the upstairs *entire of it
3. clean the storage
4. trash the trash :D

yeaah that what i found today, also check my second blog, please.hehe

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apa pendapat kalian??