Tuesday, 29 September 2015

I'm at a point

I know what i would like to do and spend my whole life with.
I know that this would hurt no body and supposed to be like that.
I know that this is also a job that I've been wanted.
So can i just go ahead?

Friday, 25 September 2015

Months - in recap

Holee peps, kalian apa kabar?
Heem, sepertinya akhir2 ini saya agak sibuk ngurus blog lain :")
Sepertinya juga sekarang saya tau mau kemana arah blog ini. Well, this blog is going back to the old purpose. Tempat curcol.hihihi
Saya juga gatau sih, tapi sepertinya begitu.

Yaudah lah cus rekapan saya.
Tahun ini banyak banget hal yang terjadi. Sekarang udah bulan september dan 5 hari lagi september bakalan berakhir.
Di tahun 2015 ini berat badan saya stuck di 55 yang artinya saya kurang gerak. Sebenernya saya banyak gerak, dalam mimpi...
Hahaha engga kok, cuma karena geraknya agak labil dan bikin sakit jadilah saya banyak makan banyak tidur...

Awal tahun ini saya ketemu moeslema.com dan aktif ngeblog disana.
Februari adala bulan dimana saya memulai skripsi
Kemudian maret saya nyobain dunia modeling, well sekarang saya sadar i don't mean for that kind of job, tapi namanya penasaran kan.hihi
April-juni saya sibuk ngurusin rumah dan skripsi.
Juli-agustus ngurussin funiture - yang sampe sekarang ga kelar-kelar juga, duh
Tapi despite everything happened, Agustus adalah bulan dimana saya dapet hadiah. I am Moeslema.com best blogger of that month.hihi
September, saya sibuk sama skripsi, wisudaan (sayangnya wisudaan orang lain), dan nikahan teteh.
Sampe dirumah pun saya sibuk beberes :")

Despite everything that happened *again* banyak banget hal yang saya syukuri. Kalo disuruh nulis un saya bingung mau mulai dari mana...
Semuanya Alhamdulillah.

Well, intinya i found my passion already and what i am really capable of.
Saya lagi suka editing dan main-main sama digital drawing. Mungkin udah dari dulu, tapi sepertinya sekarang saya makin suka.
Saya juga suka make up. Heem, i am not a pro but working towards it.
Saya tau mau S2 jurusan apa dan alasan yang kuat kenapa saya mau ambil jurusan ini.
Saya juga akhirnya punya beberapa perusahaan yang saya pengen gabung, terlepas dai semuanya masih belum tau gimana kedepannya, tapi yaah jalanin aja.

Cuma yan harus saya lakukan sekarang adalah skripsia.syalalalala

Cepet lulus, cepet kerja, cepet nabung beli rumah, lalu nikah.hahaha

Seenggaknya sekarang saya sudah punya vision ke depannya mau gimana. Back then i was all blurred but it seems pretty much clearer now.

Oh sambil skripsian sebenernya saya pengen nguber banget jadi best blogger sampe akhir tahun in a row. Kayanya menyenangkan.hihihi

daan saya suka ditanya sama orang kenapa skripsi belum kelar, yaah alesannya karena saya basically ga fokus.hihi terdistract dengan hal lain.
kalo menurut saya sih every things worth the pain, tenang yaah. soon to be S.T. tapi lalu mangkir ke dunia lain :)

Kemudian kalo dipikir-pikir banyak banget hal yang mau saya lakukan, road mappingnya itu yang belum fix ._.
Yaah sementara urus skripsi dulu deh yah sambil posting di sela-sela kesibukan :)

so far 2015 is as hectic as unpredicted but as amazing as i wish :)

kalo kalian apa kabar peps?

Friday, 4 September 2015

Zombie Tsunami - My Story

Hello peps!
I would like to have a little chit chat about Zombie Tsunami. It is a game in both Android and Ios Phone.
This game, for some sort reason is kinda addicting since we have run, eat brain, avoid some stuff, well pretty much stuff like that but we have missions to be completed.
I've been playing this like more than six months I guess.

So here is some words and picutures that i got form Play Store

The zombies are revolting ! In Zombie Tsunami, take your place in a crowd of rampaging undead as you race through the city attacking the unfortunate survivors and adding them to your unstoppable throng of hungry, hot-footed horrors. It’s a Zombie Tsunami out there, and everyone is invited!
5/5 TouchGen.net - "If you’re looking for a fantastic game, look no further!" 
4.5/5 TouchArcade - "Zombie Tsunami is a game you really need to own"
5/5 AppSmile - "Featuring Pixar-like graphics, simple controls, and plenty of content"
4.5/5 148Apps - "It’s fun madness, emphasis on fun."
5/5 iReviewT.com - "Revolutionary endless runner formula!"
5/5 AppSpy.com - "Zombie Tsunami carves its own path with a great claymation style and roaming hordes of the walking, and jumping dead"

- Add as many zombies to your hoard as you can.
- Frantic flesh-eating fun for all the family!
- Keep going as long as at least one zombie is still running (and it doesn’t have to be the zombie you started with).
- Collect 8 different power-ups and bonuses to run further and destroy more.
- Turn over cars, buses, vehicles and tanks to eat the survivors inside.
- 300+ different missions to devour.
- 9 worldwide locations to stampede your zombies through.
- Optimized for all models of Android smartphones
- Featuring Blast Processing

Beginning with a single zombie running through the streets, chase down the living and add them to your chaotic procession of dashing undead. The more people you bite and add to your ranks, the longer the Zombie Tsunami can charge across the planet, eating everything in its way.

But brains aren’t the only thing you can eat as the Zombie Tsunami gets into full swing. Devour the bonuses and power-ups to activate the Giant Zombie with multiple lasers shooting out of its many eyeballs, sneak around the cities as a netherworld Ninja, or clone members of your zombie hoard with the UFO.

Zombie Tsunami is a fun-packed thrill-ride of destruction, excitement and tasty brains! Who can gather the biggest collection of charging zombies? Can you survive the gaping chasms, powerful bombs and streets filled with tanks with at least one flesh-eater still on its feet? Join the Zombie Tsunami and find out!

Yep, I do recomened this game but please connect it to you facebook!

Because last time, I thought that mine was connected to facebook, after updating then i lost all my progress and so do another people as I can see in the comment section. Yes in this game we are able to upgrade lot of stuff.
So, i give them one star and tell them what happened and they sad to contact the developer.
I did, and they responded in a fast way. Like for sure fast. 

Unfortunately back then, the developer can't help me since I was not connected to facebook. They have another option but I can't use it. So yeah I'm letting it go since I could play harder then get my uograde back and they are such a responsible developer which is this was my first time find a superb developer ever.

Later on some sort story, my problem is solved and even better. Isn't it cool?
Thank you for the developer, keep up the good work :D