Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Happy novemberians day!

Yay Alhamdulillah is the first thing to say because now I'm officially 21 years young. This post was supposed to be posted yesterday, but due to a lot of things happen I can't make it.
Next thank you everyone for the wishes. I'm so glad even more than glad to have you guys.

Like a lot of people said to me, age is doesn't matter, yes I do agree.
But... somehow I realized something. The biggest thing that I should be always thankful is my parents. It's not like I'm not thanksful before, but they are my best gift. Knowing they are healthy and seeing they are a live is more than enough.
They already 51 years old, still working, and still have no clue about their grandson.haha
Yep that is something that always bothering me for a while. I love children but it doesn't seem like I would have them pretty soon. The things that I'm afraid are could they see their grandson? Or even could they see me wearing a wedding dress?
Eeeek I wish they could.
Ps. Please don't think that I wanted to get married as soon as possible, I'm just afraid because of my parents age.

Anywaaay ive got some presents. 2 books from melisaa (thankyouu sissy, I need the small one and trying to read the others :*) and fluffy dog doll from yogo. Thankyouuu guys.mwehehe
Another good news come from Aiesec.

Hello Romanian, I'm the Aiesec ambassador from Indonesia for Romania this winter :)

I've got a perfect birthday. Even so, I would like to wish a healty year. Healty enough at least until I finished my ambassadors assignment. Amin ya Allah.

Other things that I would like to tell you is I have a lotta things to do and this was a suppeeer hectic month for sure!
How's yours?
Aaak I need doctor and salon, please.

Happy last Wednesday in November!

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Hello novemberian.

1st of all. Happy November. Haha it is already 20 but who's care? Gue baru sempet mengucapkan selamat datang november di akhir november. Screw me!
Curhat sedikit, emm hati manusia itu emg gada yg tau yah.
Gue suka heran sama temen temen gue atau orang yg gue kenal, ada aja gitu yg gampang pindah dr hati ke hati. Emmm mungkin emang bner sih kata Pak Hizom, namanya juga nyari yg cocok...
Cuma ya itu, kayaknya jaman sekarang kalo cuma buat sayang-sayangan udah kayak ngitung 1 + 1 = 2. Cepet dan gampang. Entah mreka yang berpikir cepat, atau gue juga sih yg lola dan kebanyakan mikir.
Kata temen gue, jaman skrg gaboleh kelamaan. Nanti keduluan orang. Menurut foto di path (mbuh punya siapa), jodoh itu emg udah di atur, tapi kalo kita ganyari jodoh kita bakalan mampir mampir disana sini.
Dua duanya bner, cuma kalo caranya macam gitu, emmm.....
Yaudahlah yah. Ini cuma sesuatu yg bikin gue heran.haha

Anywaaaay bulan ini entah gimana ceritanya gue lagiii sukaaaa banget sama banyak orang.haha
CNblue, Boyfriend, mas mas bibir kriting, dan masih banyak lagi yga bahkan gue bingung mw nyebut mana duluan.haha
Dan iyak mreka cowo cowo semua...
Apasih yg lo liat dr cowo?
Halah mbuh. Cuma temen gue pernah bilang, kalo tipikal cowo yg gue suka itu pasti "begitu". Definisi begitunya itu mateng (emmm ini istilah yg sering gue gunakan. Bisa dr segi fisik, kemampuan, umur, atau sikap dan sifat). Mwehehehe.

Eh ada nih mba mba yg lg gue suka. Ailee.
Penyanyi korea, her voice is so damn good. Gue tau dia dr super star k5 apa yah kalo gasalah. Ada yg nyanyi lagu dia dan so kewwwl. Akhirnya gue search lagunya dan jaw droppibg! Judulnya U & I. Judulnya bagus yah, kesannya romantis. Padahal mah lagunya cihuy abiiis.nanana

Others update, hello my name is ami and I am AIESEC Ambassador for Indonesia :)
Negaranya masih blm tau sih, tapi gue maunya romania atau ceko. Kota Buchuresti atau Praha. Aduuh klo ke praha gaenak banget gada yg bisa di gandeng *brb nyari bule buat digandeng - abis itu dikeplak ayah*

Anyway thank you for reading this super random post in november. For all novemberian, wish you had a good luck.
With love ♥

posted from Bloggeroid