Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Be My Shine

another song from boyfriend.
umm, lately i love japanesee mucis, especially SNSD and Boyfriend, like freakin dead.
i am trying to get their album, but i can't find it yet.
hopefully, my friends who's now in japan, can help me. Amin
*hope you read this so you know that i do wanted it to dead*
so here is the video and lyrics
[Donghyun] Just waiting… and just waiting
Just waiting

[Jeongmin] Nani wo ki ni shiteru no
Sonna namida wo tamete
[Hyunseung] Dare yori mo boku nara
Kimi wo wakatteru no ni

[Donghyun] Futari kara
Ima hajimaru dreamin’
[Hyunseung] Sono egao
Takaramono na no sa

[All] Kimi wo hanasanai keshite hanasanai
Kokoro wo hitotsu ni futari dekiru kara
Eien ni be my shine dakishimete
Samishisa mo osorenai de ii yo

[Kwangmin] Aishiteru kiss kiss (I want your love)
[Youngmin] Kimi dake ni kiss kiss zutto
Tokimeki no kiss kiss only you
([Minwoo] Kirameki nagara be my shine)

[Youngmin] Tatoe aenakute mo
Kimi ga boku ni wa mieru
[Hyunseung] Ironna tokoro mada
Suki ni natteku no sa

[Donghyun] Sonomama de
Ite hoshii forever
[Jeongmin] Boku dake ni
Subete azukete yo

[All] Kimi wo hanasanai keshite hasanai
Kokoro wo hitotsu ni futari dekiru kara
Eien ni be my shine dakishimete
Samishisa mo osorenai de ii yo

[Donghyun] Mamotte miseru yo kono shiawase
[Youngmin] Itsudatte kimi no tame ni
[Hyunseung] Boku wa koko ni iru yo oh

[Jeongmin] Kimi wo hanasanai keshite hanasanai
[All] Kokoro wo hitotsu ni futari dekiru kara
Eien ni be my shine dakishimete
Samishisa mo osorenai de ii yo

[Minwoo] GEEMU ja nai RUURU ja nai
Datte you and I sou nanda
Daisuki na taisetsu na tokubetsu na party time
[Kwangmin] Everything’s all good
Shitai koto ga cool
Zenbu kanau mood
Mada korekara ikeru

[All] Aishiteru kiss kiss
Kimi dake ni kiss kiss zutto
Tokimeki no kiss kiss only you

kepanikan yang gaperlu

buat para pembaca yang gatau beberapa hari yang lalu gue lagi galau segalau galaunya karena ibu mau punya anak lagi. ini ceritanya...
jadi gue merasa ibu dan ayah mencurigakan nih. gue kira mereka mau ngasih tau kalo gue bakalan punya anak lagi.
galauuu doong jadi gue, gimana engga...
hellooo yaa! i am almost 20 years young, and i was going to have a baby sister. gosh, what a nightmare  that i wont never ever have, ever!!!

setelah galau dan uring-uringan, akhirnya gue memberanikan diri nanya ke ibu, alhasih dia ketawa doang dan bilang dia inget umur.
padahal untuk kenyataan terpahit yang harus gue terima, kalo sampe kejadian (yaitu punya ade lagi), gue udah menyiapkan panggilan khusus buat ade gue yang cuma ada di mimpi itu, mami cantik.hha
ibu gue aja ampe heran kenapa harus "mami cantik"
alasannya, karena gue cantik.haha dan yang paling utama, jarak umur 20 tahun di masa sekarang itu jarak umur ibu sama anak, bukan ade sama kakak.
gue malah udah berpikir ekstrim untuk merawat bayi itu di kosan dengan suplier dari bapak dan ibu gue sendiri.
bayii men, perlu babysitter guee. kalo engga kuliah gue gimaneeh???
ngebiarin emak gue dengan bayi, is a big noo!
alhamdulillah ga jadi.ahahaha

masalah lain yang muncul adalah, i am facing the young adult age.
which is means, banyaaak pikiran deh gue soal masa depan.

bicara soal kepanikan masa depan, beberapa hari yang lalu gue kasih tau melisa kalo ada kaka angkatan yang selisih satu tahun sama gue mau nikah tahun depan.
terus melisa spontan nanya, "jangan bilang kamu mau ikutan (nikah) mi..."
ya enggaaak laaaah...
mungkin karena berbagai faktor, gue jg mau sih nikah cepet.
tapiiii yaah tapii, nikah itu gasegampang ngekos men.
nikah tuh komitmennya lebih tinggi, dan ketika gue nikah gaada deh istilah gue minta duit ke orang tua,
suami lah yang kantongnya bakalan gue korek.fufufu

teruus gue mau menerapkan asas lagunya Katy Perry yang "If You Can Afford Me"
i am high maintenance.
sebaik-baiknya istri itu emang yang mempermudah suami, nah tapi kalo terlalu mempermudah apa gunanya ada suami?
wanita itu juga harus bisa memantaskan dirinya sendiri. orang tua kita merawat itu pake perjuangan, simpelnya tuh ngelahirin kita aja perjuangaaaaaaaanyaa tuh ampun ampunaaan. masa main diambil suami aja, apa apaaaaaan???
kalo gue mau sekolah lagi, emang kalo nikah cepet boleh? terus kalo boleh emang suaminya mau bayarin? belum tentu kan.hihihi

jadi mau nikah cepet apa lama?
jadi intinyaaa apapun yang terjadi liat nanti.haha
nikmatin aja dulu masih teenagers...
kamu (readers) jugaa hey! jangan mau jadi teenagers galau mulu.huuu (another young adult jugaaa)
mana semangaat youthfull nyaaa????

Tuesday, 30 October 2012


mi, itu siklus yah? - iyus, temen smp gue
mungkin sih, tapi kali ini gue gamau bahaas soal siklus macam itu.
jadi tuh gini, biasanya di akhir acara ospek atau apa lah namanya, para peserta itu disuruh bikin 3 macam surat.
tidak lain tidak bukan surat yang di atas.
gue sebagai salah satu panitia mpp, ospek prodi, dapetlah gue surat-surat ini.
jumlahnya ada 25 of E70
3 kagum
21 cinta
1 surat benci

hah mi, lo dapet surat benci? ko bisa? peran lo kan lagi kakak baik?
- adel, temen kuliah gue 
nobody's perfect pals. including me, wajar lah ada yang gasuka.
waktu di kasih tau juga gue aga shock, bukannya gimana gimana yang gue pikirin tuh gue salah apaan sama anak itu, terus gue sangatlaaaah sangat sangat curious sama isi suratnya.
menanti lama sampe surat itu bener-bener ada dan gue kecewa sama isinya.
isinya tuh

what the.... "i don't like you kak ami." that's it. even my name was wrong written?
gue berharap lebih, gue pengen banget dicerca sedicerca cercanya berharap tuh tau gue salahnya apa.
kalo cuma "i dont like you" teruuus gue harus koprol sambil loncat harimau?
kalo bilang gue salahnya dimana kan gue bisa memperbaiki diri.
bukan buat yang ngirim surat, tapi buat diri sendiri.
jadi pribadi yang lebih baik itu bagus kan?
sedikit menganalisis, kalo dari gambarnya dimana disitu gue digambar dengan riang dan dia memasang muka gasuka kayaknya masalah gue ada di terlalu riang.
tapi emg masa amat sih cuma gara-gara gitu jadi gasuka?
aku doain ko semoga kamu punya hari hari yang selalu baik dan murah senyum sama semua orang.hehe

surat yang lainnya, surat kagum tapi kagum-kaguman.haha

kalo yang ini sesuatu banget, Alhamdulillah

nah girls, buat yang belum pake kerudung, liaat kata siapa pake kerudung itu kuper, ga modis, dan semacamnya??
bisaa doong, kalo kata ayah "biar anak teknik juga jangan lusuh amat"
nah pake kerudung itu menghargai diri sendiri. keep it nice, still being you, smile, and don't ever forget to pray.
belajar itu pelan-pelan, gabisa ngebut.
and dear the one that giving me this letter, it is such an honor gift ever. *tapi kayaknya gue jg belum sebaik itu --" * Thank you anyway ;)

kalo ini surat cinta simple,

daan satu hal lagi, penulisan nama.
My name is Dian Kurnia Utami, so when i called Ami, means that you have to write Ami.
Then, when it comes to full name, i dont really like when other keep shorting my name. I wish next time, every one will completely write Dian Kurnia Utami.
beberapa penulisan nama:
penting ga sih?
penting gapenting sih.
penting karena ini nama, nama itu doa loh dari orang tua. makanya gue ga setuju sama Shakespeare yang bilang "apalah arti sebuah nama"
dan jadi gapenting karena gue belum jadi orang yang bener bener penting sama soal nama aja sampe segitunya.hehe

dan ini adalah penulisan paling unyu.haha
 silver, pink, white = cute!

note: i have not even any single intention to brag about this. just showing that i care about people around me with every feeling around them. they giving me something and i do really appreciate it even they hate me.
hihihi, such a pleasure anyway.
thank you for admiring, loving, and hate me <3 p="p">

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Happy ied mubarak

waah udah Idul Adha lagiiii. yaay
ya Allah, terima kasih seterima kasih terima kasihnya atas semua rahmat dan berkah yang engkau kasih.
mulai dari gajadi punya ade, keluarga yang masih komplit, suara yang membaik, ibu yang mau pensiun dini, kerjaan sampingan yang bisa di dapat, lomba-lomba yang bisa di ikuti, makanan di meja, bisa pulang ke kosan, bisa nafas dengan lancar, kaki yang mengempes, dan banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak lagi.
sayangnya tahun ini gakurban, mengingat tahun kemarin udah kurban sekeluarga dan sekarang pengeluaran lagi banyak.
tinggal nunggu kapan bisa kurban sendiri dan dibayarin suami.hihihi
jadi teman-teman, Idul Adha kalian gimana?
sebelum mengakhiri posting singkat ini, ada baiknya kalo kita mendoakan orang-orang yang udah mendahului kita ke sisi-Nya.
berdoa, mulai...


Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Feeling FINE!

Are you feeling fine?
Nemurenai yoru ni wa kimi no maboroshi ga...
She said, "Loving you made me happy everyday"
Ano koro to onaji sa mukaji na kao de hanashikakenaide

Tsunagatteite mo yokan shiteta kara saisho kara tabun
Tooi kako no koto sa oshietekureta wakare no imi

Itsu ni nareba ito wo tachikiri kimi wo norikoeru?

Are you feeling fine?
Nagai michi no tochuu de sayonara no kawari ni
She said, "Loving you made me happy everyday"
Nanigoto mo nai ka no you sekai wa mawaru boku wo nokoshite

Kagirinaku jiyuu... Tsukaenai kurai jikan wa tsukinai
Harewataru hibi ni tozashiteite mo jiyuu dakedo

Ude wo nobashi DOOR wo hiraite wasurekaketa no ni...

Are you feeling fine?
Nemurenai yoru ni wa kimi no maboroshi ga...
She said, "Loving you made me happy everyday"
Ano koro to onaji sa mukaji na kao de hanashikakenaide

Binetsu karuku doko ka kimi wo...

Imagoro kitto ki ni mo tomezu ni kimi wa yume no naka

Are you feeling fine?
Muda na teikou wa yamete ashita e to mukaou
I said, "Loving you made me happy everyday"
Itsu no ma ni ka nemuri ni togirete kieta egao no mama de

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

attitude babe, not altitude. we are not a pilot!

holaaa amigoo :)
after having such a blast sunday, which is having quite a me-time last sunday, my energy has been filled up.
but since this day i have such-a transportation day, my face must have look like a train or somthin i guess, the energy is only half way. fiuh...
okay to charge them in, i am going to memorize the last sunday.
after having busy week, i still have to spend my weekend at campus.
saturday by doing lab things, and sunday i was supposed to be at UKM course at somewhere around the main campus.haha
then, after having early bath, well dressed, and having a-happy-ready-face, i just found out that no one going to come.
it was like this photostrip
1. okay i have nothing to do now
2. but i've already setled
3. bored for sure
4. better be patient
5. i can't
6. geez
7. what should i do
8. thinking
9. got a tweet from denia to have such a me-time
10. ah it is not working
11. what is supposed to be next?
12. mind my day
13. how if i just go with it, to have some proper eat
14. emmm
15. thinking again
16. okay that's a good idea
17. errrr who's one earth that i am going to go with
18. wait
19. what are you going to do pals?
20. thinking again and again
21. rolling my eyes
22. is it okay
23. not sure
24. alright, i am goin in
25. yes i am goin to have some me time

so that how i found out that i will go to the fresh market, salon sound nice, buy some goodies.
i was mean to have a risol, but then i make up my mind. rather than make it, better just buy it.hihihi
after that buying another goodies to go.
next, searching up for good salon, but then i found out i was taking the wrong way. then i found Rumah Warna to have new wallet, then i just buy a sky-blue bag. just like my mood. blue-mood.

i forgot to mention it's coming to a rainy season, i bring a rain coat at my old bag.
then on the way home, i was really enjoying the speed.
it takes less than 40 kmph.haha soo slow in such a rainy day with all goodies that i've bought before.
during the way home, i realized one thing.
it is good to have a rain dance, but it is not good to have your children under the rain coat.
hard to breath.
so, dear my husband to be, could you make sure that our kiddos will never ever be under the raincoat, in such a rainy season? means that could we have to not using a motorcycle during the rainy day? it is okay if there is only two of us, or maybe just you with the kids, but not three or more of us.
i would never take my children life''s to a danger, ever.
how about car, or public transportation instead? they sounds good and even safer babe.

talk about future, i am seriously imagining how would it be like in next ten years?
i did wanted to have such a good job, such a busy day, but somehow now i think even i have the PhD degree, could i just become a queen in my house? a housewife?
i have no passion for having a life under the table, wearing uniform all day, meeting, working from day to night, or somewhat that sounds a like.
strange huh?
that is my dream ever since i was maybe 3 years young.
wearing a heels, stylish blazer, driving fancy car, having my own secretary, and just come to the office if have a call. what a dreamer.hihi
wish my dream comes true so then i could wish for earlier retirement.hehehe

okay pals, i think i need a rest. big day comes tommorow.
have a sound sleep :)

attitude babe, not altitude. we are not a pilot!

holaaa amigoo :)
after having such a blast sunday, which is having quite a me-time last sunday, my energy has been filled up.
but since this day i have such-a transportation day, my face must have look like a train or somthin i guess, the energy is only half way. fiuh...
okay to charge them in, i am going to memorize the last sunday.
after having busy week, i still have to spend my weekend at campus.
saturday by doing lab things, and sunday i was supposed to be at UKM course at somewhere around the main campus.haha
then, after having early bath, well dressed, and having a-happy-ready-face, i just found out that no one going to come.
it was like this photostrip
1. okay i have nothing to do now
2. but i've already setled
3. bored for sure
4. better be patient
5. i can't
6. geez
7. what should i do
8. thinking
9. got a tweet from denia to have such a me-time
10. ah it is not working
11. what is supposed to be next?
12. mind my day
13. how if i just go with it, to have some proper eat
14. emmm
15. thinking again
16. okay that's a good idea
17. errrr who's one earth that i am going to go with
18. wait
19. what are you going to do pals?
20. thinking again and again
21. rolling my eyes
22. is it okay
23. not sure
24. alright, i am goin in
25. yes i am goin to have some me time

so that how i found out that i will go to the fresh market, salon sound nice, buy some goodies.
i was mean to have a risol, but then i make up my mind. rather than make it, better just buy it.hihihi
after that buying another goodies to go.
next, searching up for good salon, but then i found out i was taking the wrong way. then i found Rumah Warna to have new wallet, then i just buy a sky-blue bag. just like my mood. blue-mood.

i forgot to mention it's coming to a rainy season, i bring a rain coat at my old bag.
then on the way home, i was really enjoying the speed.
it takes less than 40 kmph.haha soo slow in such a rainy day with all goodies that i've bought before.
during the way home, i realized one thing.
it is good to have a rain dance, but it is not good to have your children under the rain coat.
hard to breath.
so, dear my husband to be, could you make sure that our kiddos will never ever be under the raincoat, in such a rainy season? means that could we have to not using a motorcycle during the rainy day? it is okay if there is only two of us, or maybe just you with the kids, but not three or more of us.
i would never take my children life''s to a danger, ever.
how about car, or public transportation instead? they sounds good and even safer babe.

talk about future, i am seriously imagining how would it be like in next ten years?
i did wanted to have such a good job, such a busy day, but somehow now i think even i have the PhD degree, could i just become a queen in my house? a housewife?
i have no passion for having a life under the table, wearing uniform all day, meeting, working from day to night, or somewhat that sounds a like.
strange huh?
that is my dream ever since i was maybe 3 years young.
wearing a heels, stylish blazer, driving fancy car, having my own secretary, and just come to the office if have a call. what a dreamer.hihi
wish my dream comes true so then i could wish for earlier retirement.hehehe

okay pals, i think i need a rest. big day comes tommorow.
have a sound sleep :)

Thursday, 4 October 2012

let gimme a hi five!

a lot of thing sure come in to my mind.
whether it is something that i know it is true, or else something that just too absurd.haha
anyway, gue lagi mau bahas kepercayaan.
apa sih kepercayaan?
something that called "trust" in english.
okay itu terlalu bego. emm entahlah. gue juga bingung.
dulu pernah ada temen facebook - yang kalo gasalah temennya si akang dan gue gabegitu kenal - masang status in such a long time ago  yang intinya tuh kalo sekalipun sama temen harus curiga.
well, gue gasetuju sih sama kalimatnya. gue lebih setuju kalo kita harus waspada sekalipun sama teman sendiri.
jangan sampe karena terlalu percaya jadi lupa sifat dan watak asli teman kita.
saling percaya itu perlu, banget nget nget, tapi gaharus dalam semua hal kan?
dan yang lebih parahnya terlalu percaya sama orang yang bahkan kita baru kenal, unless you are a grimme or something like called "cenayang"
nanti baru deh terasa begonya diri sendiri kalo udah tau salah percaya sama orang.
apa lagi tuh salah percaya sama orang?
you'll know when that happen.
so isn't it would be nicer if you don't know how it feels, right?