Thursday, 28 April 2011


1st of all i would like to congrats my friend, IPIN.
congrats boy, you did it.
fyi: ipin is the third winner of drummer competition in the central java.
then for the day after tomorrow, he will be compete in Semarang as the finalist from Purwokerto.
hieeee, i always love a drummer.
ive been trying to play a drum since i was on 9th grade but i did fail.hahah
well BIG GOOD LUCK ipin from us.
we vote for ipin.
i wish i could be there, watching for ipin performance :)

all i want

saya lagi mau mengeluarkan unek unek, so pleaseeee ada doong :(


yep, gue jealous, iri, envy, atau apapun deh itu namanya sama temen gue yg punya PEKERJAAN.
ya ampuun, gue mau semau-maunya ampe ubun-ubun jadi mahasiswa yang ga biasa. gue mau punya kerjaan sampingan yang tetap. tapi sumpah ya demi apapun, gue gatau apa apa soal daerah sini. boro-boro deh buat nyari kerja, buat nyari tempat main atau sekedar "numpang duduk" yg asik pun gue bener-bener gatau.
lain sama di rumah, bosen kabur kemana aja ada motor, ada laptop kecil yg nganggur, pake baju apapun tetep ok.
kalo jujur gue mauuu bangeet kerja bareng wa Abba, mauu wa, dini mauu semau maunya sama tawaran wa kemarin-marin yg selalu dini tolak dengan berbagai alasan :(
tapi serius, alesan itu yg bener-bener bikin gamungkin.
belum lagi syarat utamanya HARUS TINGGAL atau minimal SERING di BANDUNG...
yaah uda terlanjur seneng sama UNSOED :((
mau minta tolong buat selama liburan pun tetep aja bolak balik jakarta bandung tuh ngabisin ongkos, ga gajian namanya, belum lagi gabakalan dibolehin.
mereka beruntung loh masih muda, sama lagi umur mreka sama gue, tapi udah bisa ngehasilin duit dr kerja mereka.
satu sisi gue bersyukur gue gaperlu kerja, bahkan buat kerja sambil kuliah aja ayah gue nge-FORBID.
"kuliah aja deh dulu, selesai langsung ambil s2 baru kamu pikirin nyari kerja"
yap, gue sangaaat teramat bersyukur soal rencana keluarga gue dimana gue dikasih kesempatan buat nerusin pendidikan gue sampe jenjang s2.
7 taun lagi nama gue jadi Dian Kurnia Utami S.T., M. Eng.
Amiin ya Allah, Amin Allahuma Amin.

tapi tetep gue sangat iri sama mreka yg punya barang dari keringet mreka sendiri. emang sih gue patut bahkan harus sangat bersyukur kalo perlu barang tinggal terlpon, tapi yaah itu gada prestige-nya :(
gue mau punya gaji pertama yg bisa bikin seneng ibu gue, mungkin yg kepikiran sekarang cincin emas baru buat dia.
ya ampun, ibu gue itu bener-bener sayang kali ya sama si ayah sampe cincin nikah dia (ada dua, tapi sekarang udah kekecilan. masi bisa dipake soalnya tangan emak gue jd kebentuk gitu gara-gara sering make) masi awet bahkan sekalipun si ayah bilang suruh lebur cincin itu jadi yg baru, ibu gue gamau. (gue juga bakal ngelakuin hal yang sama sih) tapi tetep aja gue kasian ama tangannya...

kalo buat ayah dari dulu, jaman sdm, gue pengen bangeeeeeeet yg namanya beliin dia mobil yg setara sama CR-V, biar sekarang dia udah punya mobil yg jenisnya SUV juga, tp tetep dari duluuu gue janji sama diri gue sendiri bakal beliin ayah mobil itu sebelum gue beli mobil buat diri gue sendiri.

kalo ade-ade, gue mau sekolahin oki di singapura, Raffles Design Institute jurusan game graphic. gue kagum banget dia yg bocah smp bisa bikin game RPG macem pokemon, okelah gue tau dia memanfatkan software yg dia download sendiri, tp gue tetep kagum sama dia.
nah kalo ade gue khalid, apa yaah... dia belum ketauan juga sih bakat bener-benernya apa. tapi dia suka musik, mungkin dia bakalan jadi satu-satunya anak di kluarga gue yg bakal jadi pemain musik, gue usaha bener-bener main gitar sama drum teteeeep gabisa.hiahaha

yg trakhir gue mau naik haji sekeluarga.

gatau juga sih kapan ini bakalan kecapai, tapi yaah semoga ASAP!
Amin Ya Allah.

nah wajar dooong gue irii buangeets sama temen-temen gue yg udah punya gaji sendiri.
Q: kenapa ga beasiswa aja??
A: yah beasiswa ga akan pernah deh gue itung gaji. beasiswa itu hukumnya semi wajib buat gue. semampu lo kejar tu beasiswa. tapi kalo emang gue sadar ada yg lebih butuh, gue lebih wajib lagi buat ngalah sama mereka.

Ya Allah, semoga PKM bisa jadi salah satu kegiatan yg bisa bantu org lain, tp tetep buat saya punya "pekerjaan"

Wednesday, 27 April 2011


oh my God. tomorrow i have math-exam. but i dont have any pleasure to study again yet.
i do really enjoy my blog than studying about math.
we (the civil engineering '10) feel this is the most horrible exam ever since we have amazing subject in a row days.
Geologi Rekayasa - Struktur Bangunan - Matematika - Mekanika Rekayasa - Fisika

lets cheers all. hip hip, horay :(

the other things

i have a lot of things to do and to be DONE!
oh my.. i cant even imagine what is my room look like...
i have to finish my three-beautiful-assignment-ever then i have my other project for my other blog, i have finish my mid terms exam, i also have to finish my PKM proposal, the last big point is im not finish my boyfriend gift yet :(
so sorry darl, i know that it will be a very-late birthday gift ever :(
miss you!

Monday, 25 April 2011

happy late earth day

last Friday, its earth day. just a lil person that remember that thing.
well, i'm just remind you to be a good creature and to be a good citizen of earth.
start from the clean-friday, its a day (friday) when you have to keep your house and your environment clean.
make a better place for you, and the world.
happy late earth day
one earth, one heart!

Saturday, 23 April 2011

here kitty :))

Look at the 15th, Alhamdulillah :)

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

what we called with TUMBLEBUGS

this is my first game with my father.ehehe


ya ambrukk, i ve just broke my laptop :(
well then get better son my huge laptop ever ;)

Thursday, 14 April 2011

the things

ive just realized this thing. maybe this is not the first time that i feel this way...
there are so manyy things that cant be describe with a word. sometimes all i can do is just give a long "sigh" along day...

Monday, 11 April 2011


IUT, what a cute name.
im trying to keep posting even im kinda busy with my college assignment.
today i take the IUT practice on the field. uyeaaa.

note for doing IUT practice:
1. use a sneakers, so you dont hurt your foot.
2. bring sandals, who knows that you have to get in to the field. i loooveeee to get in to the field.haha and if your feet get wet, its not comfy to use a sneakers.
3. use sunblock. remember that when you take the number of height, nobody will be your-umbrella-girl. they will be an umbrella girl for the water pass. (poor us.haha)

well, even tiring (we need to stand along the practice and its about 3 hours) i looovee it :)

Friday, 8 April 2011

Hell Yeah!

somehow i feel that i am left behind the others :(
even i know that we have our own personalities, plus, minus, or ect which means that we're different, i just cant accept the fact is i am left to far behind.
sometimes i didnt feel it, but sometimes (like now) i do.
i just dont know what place and what kind of someone that know and support me fully hearted (i do believe that i always have a place and have many good friends ever, but its just hard to describe about this feeling)
well, at least i need a good luck tomorrow because i will officially become a part of HMTS. economy staff, but i hope next year is my turn to be the head of economy division :D

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

geologi rekayasa

well hell yeah, even im a civil engineer, i study a lot of subject including geologi rekayasa.
i really dont get the point TT_TT (shame on me)
omg. HELP...

Saturday, 2 April 2011

serasa anak manis aje...

its all about perception

well, its all yours to decide what is a thing means.
you have your own word and even your own right about it.
for example, for a lot of people red roses are better than white because it means that by giving a red rose is like tell someone that you really in love with him, but for me the better one is the white one because it tells you that someone who gives it to you is love you with sincerely and politely.
some people also say, being an idealist person is not good, or about the person who always calculate everything, but for me somehow that habits would be needed for us but not in every situation.hehe
and another thing is, i would prefer a playboy who admit that he is a playboy rather than someone who act like an angel when the fact is he is a playboy. what about you?

so sorry

im sorry to delete the last post. gomeeenasai :)