Thursday, 24 March 2011

forgetful person

dulu, abis belanja bulanan, bapak gue yang guanteengs itu pernah masukin kunci mobil kedalem bagasi mobil..

jadi kunci itu tertumpuk di dalam belanjaan yg ditaro dibagasi...

bapak gue pun bingung nyari kunci karena mobil otomatis kekunci lah yaa dr dlm, dan semua penumpang mobilny masih diluar...

alhasil gue dan keluarga gue nungguin bapak gue yg pulang ambil kunci cadangan

yah korban nunggu bapak gue yaa anggur ini lah abis --, untung kantong makanan gue gadimasukin
(udah niat buat makan dijalan)

ini muka aneh ade tertua gue...

bapak gue pun datang, yeeey.
dengan muka tanpa dosa dan tersipu-sipu malu, omegleeeeh

dan adek gue ngeledekin si bapak. gue sih sibuk foto foto aja.haha

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Ask Ask

Ulu (u) : mom, what about him? Handsome enough?

Me (m) : standar..

U : this one?

M : standar...

U : your boyfriends?

M : standar...

U : Tuxedo Kamen (from sailor moon)

M : incrediblingly Handsome...

Saturday, 19 March 2011

dont look at me, look at my lil brother

beberapa foto

berikut merupakan hal hal yg gue pernah abadikan waktu gue sma.ehehe
gue yg baju ijo. ini ada cerita dibalik cerita.haha foto ini di ambil setelah lari-lari dari ujung sampe ujung musium prajurit di tmii gara-gara semua pada takut sama bonekanya.ahaha

nah kalo ini ditempat tongkrongan sejati jaman sma, mcd duren sawit. cute face isn't it?

baloons :)

bawa catokan ke sekolah dan nyatokin rambut banyak orang (termasuk anak cowok.haha)

di lab bahasa duduk (rebahan) di paling belakan serasa yang punya sekolahan

foto di pinggir lapangan smp

foto-foto diruang resepsionis smp (ngeksis bener)

main "nenek gerondong" di jam plajaran olahraga

maen tato-tatoan (pake drawing pen)

ngumpul sama anak paskib (gue senior sendiri, jd gapake seragam sendiri.ehehe)

sepatu kuning ke sekolah...
boong deng, di ambil yg ada kalo beneran make warna kuning, ini kado.hehe

foto kaki pake webcam dirumah

hp gue anti goresnya yang mau copot di lem pake dobel tip.haha kere bener --,

Friday, 11 March 2011

this is just about our life

when everything begun to started, who's gonna know the end.
about who i'll belongs, who'll i be, who's my our true friends, and even who's we really are.

at kota tua - jakarta

hei hoo, remember when i told you that i have 3 project?
heem, this is the tree themes that ive told you before.

hows day.

this is sweet (im wearing heels.ahaha)

then, as ussual... playing...

boyfriend jeans (but ofcourse not my boyfriend jeans.haha just the other girl boyfriends jeans. i lent it.he)

then just like ussual, play time.hehe

find a good poster, bushes, and good batavian man.

with my lovely bestfriend

see this guy...
why i did interested with him? because he was taking a long time standing to solve the chees puzzle

its all about a beggar

well, its rarely here. purbalingga.
the first time i saw her was yesterday.
she is one of amazing beggar that ive ever met.
when i give lil help to them just like usual, stop her, give help, then go.
but in this case, i cant just go. she was stopping me, shaking my hand, say mercy, asking for apologize, pray for my study, and smiling sincerely.
OMG i did feel touched.
usually they only say thanks and they go to find another person.
may Allah bless you mam :)

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

when im twenty

when im twenty, my parent will be grown older.
then, i wish when im twenty my parents are happy to be beside me and happy to see that their only girl is enter new part of life, a life when their only girl not a teenager anymore.
then my-life-master plan will be started. Amin

q: why do you started your master plan at 20?
a: because im not a teenager anymore. when im teenager, i have to have fun. when im twenty, i have to take care of my life and entering new life as an young-adult.
q: then what is your master plan?
a: secret, because its only a plan, god own it.

the book called "POSE"

location: UPT unsoed purwokerto
me: good book, if only it is 20k ill bought this one
keke: how much it is?
me: i dont know (walk to the cashier) how much is this book?
the cashier: 375k discount 50% 187,5k
me: thank you (walk to the racks, then put the book back)

i guess its not a college student bazaar --,

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


well, tonight i do have a horrible feeling ever, huee :(
confused, dont even know what am i going to do.
just sit, write, and i do want to screaming loudly now :(

Monday, 7 March 2011

what to wear?

well actually i do really wanna wear tutu dress with tutu shoes (yah elah, you can say i set of ballet dress. simple --,)
and it will be a pleasure to do my hair do and make up by my own self.
huee i want tutu :'(

see, tutu is marvelous! but i want a cheerful color one.
oh unc, do you have a tutu dress for me :( i wish he has and let to have a shot :)

it looks good on a baby.hahah cute >.<

it always cute even it...
for a bulldog.wahahaha

boots heels??

ini perbincangan gue sama kaka kelas gue setelah ngeliat gambar di atas...
gue : ka, mnurut lo kalo gue k kampus pake sepatu ini gmn?
dy: boleh aja, ah tapi cewe macam kaya lo mana bisa?
gue: a****g.
dy: kan, belon apa apa aja uda bilang gitu. mana bisa pake patu begitu.
gue: ah asem, emg sih ka, gue g slamet, wktu itu gue pernah taroan ama bapak gue.
dy: kan...

well, gue kudu belajar ah pake sepatu kaya gini buat kerja.haha
yg haknya tinggian sih maunya, jadi kalo ada yg macem2 tgl gue timpuk pake sepatu berhak. wihiiii, asiik meeen.
sekali lempar puas deh lahir batin.ahahaha, apalagi tepat sasaran, user user kepala. mantep. bocor deh tu pala.haha

oia ada lagi, hari ini gue ngampus pake rok (gara-gara celana jeans masih di londri.haha, males banget ngambilnya. biasanya d anterin, smenjak ada anak buah jd ga di anterin lagi :( sedih.haha )
heboh lah itu gue di tanya kenapa pake rok, celana jeans gue abis, ada sih satu lg, tp mls, yg satu lg blom di kcilin, satu lg dirumah.
bayangin celana jeans panjang gue cuma 5.haha
jd dulu gua mana doyan pake clana panjang, celana pendek tuh, numpuk baru.hee
oia soal rok gue, ada yg protes katanya kalo gue mau pake rok jalanny kudu bener, hiah gue jalan juga uda bener kan??
masa ia cuma gara-gara pake rok gue kudu jalan kaya di catwalk? pegel..

nah iyaa ada lagi, td pulang dr nyar kontrakan gue pulang lewat sawaah loh k kosan.uhuuuy manteb. lalalalala

poaramore - brighter

So this is how it goes
Well I, I would have never known
And if it ends today
Well, I'll still say that you shine brighter than anyone

Now I think we're taking this too far
Don't you know that it's not this hard?
Well it's not this hard
But if you take what's yours and I take mine
Must we go there?
Please not this time. No, not this time.

Well this is not your fault
But if I'm without you
Then I will feel so small
And if you have to go
well Always know that you shine brighter than anyone does.

Now I think we're taking this too far
Don't you know that it's not this hard?
Well it's not this hard
But if you take what's yours and I take mine
Must we go there?
Please not this time. No, not this time.

If you run away now,
Will you come back around?
And if you ran away,
I'd still wave goodbye
Watching you shine bright.

Now I think we're taking this too far
Don't you know that it's not this hard?
Well it's not this hard
But if you take what's yours and I take mine
Must we go there?
Please not this time. No, not time

I'll wave goodbye
Watching you shine bright
(You shine bright, you shine bright)
And I'll wave goodbye tonight.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

again and again

i do face this dialog often.
someone: why do you choose civil engineering?
me: well, first, i wanted to be an architecture.
someone: aren't you supposed to enter design class??

someone: are you a designer?
me: absolutely not.
someone: really? what then?
me: i am an engineer, civil engineer.

its makes me happy (somehow) that they ask.ehehe
since my parent didn't let to enter the design class, i do choose this way and let my self to be part of it :)
well, even so, i do still could being a designer.
i hope some day i will have my own boutique like my unc. Amin :)

Saturday, 5 March 2011

dilema, heart polemic about the kube!

next things, which color should i pick? the orange-which is my "new" favorite color, or the yellow-which is the bumblee bee color? i cant buy both of this stuff, wasting money peeps X) ahaha