Saturday, 30 January 2010

jfest unsada with unpredistable scene..

i went to unsada university with silo (my beauty chairmate)
There a Japanese festival were held. it sooo fuun.
i take some photo there. i saw Rosemay Marian band.
then a mochi made there. i did dig it with say soyat (i guess it the wrong pronounce, because i only hear it...) i met my jhs friends dita (her face look like someone that i hate, but i'm not hate her :D ) and ida. theen i took a photo with them.miss my jhs

met my friends pelo (dendy), eky, and someone that i didn't want to met. we talked together about the jfest. then we bought mochi for RP 5.000,00 we got two one nut-taste (??) and the rednut-taste.
i prefer rednut-taste to nut taste.
then i took photos with "kakashi"
this is the picts

after that i saw a child (femini with pinky yukata) and she loves to be a model (i think) i take some photoghraps of her and a photoghrap with her (also pelo)
it soooooo fuuun

next i saw a stand (there was a note like this "informasi mengenai jepang' so i decided to ask silo wheter she wanted to go there or not. and we went to that stand.
i asked a about study in japan, the japanese was kind and patient.ahahaha
i also took a photo with him.

*i wanna say sorry to:
  1. Silo because you didn't get any photo there (abiiis gue ajakiin gmw. lobat kan hp gueee.maaaf yaah silooo)
  2. ADNIN MUSADRI ASBI, i'm sooo sorry darl, i couldn't contact you. i'll did it when i home.okay Love youu..

Thursday, 28 January 2010

gue lagi mikiir deh, knapa orang bisa ngeselin ampe ke ubun2?
teruus salah ga kalo kita bisa bener2 benci dan muak sama orang?
tapi kenapa bisa bgitu yah... gimana juga caranya supaya bisa nahan diri kalo ketemu atau ngeliat orangnya...

heem, teruus tadi gue ke kamar mandi mao cuci muka sama silo,
terus silo bilang, "kita kaya senior yah, bajunya ijo sendiri"
"lah emang kita yang paling senior disini" jawab gue. (maaf yah ade kelas, gamaksud bikin senioritas, cumaa emang gue uda tua.hahaha trus baju ijo seangkatan gue, sementara angkatan dibawah gue pada biru *kalo iseng si coklat ama ijo juga ada* jadii yah terimaa kenyatan aja kalo kalian junior gue.hehe)

edited version

Sunday, 24 January 2010

delivery order

di depan tempat les gue ada warteg namanya "Sari Meriah"
kalo laper biasanya gue suka bangeeeeeeeeeeeeet mesen delivery order kesini

hotline service: 021-866xx115
located at jalan pahlawan revolusi, persiiis depan primagama pondok bambu

ada mas-masnya yg siap anter pesenan dah

* ituu nomer telponnya lupaa.hehe

Saturday, 23 January 2010

kontroversi rambut pendek

let we talk about "my newest hair"
isn't it too controversial?
answer, a big noo (for me)
soo why everyone look like i'm the only girl whose hair is too short?
even my mother seems miss my hair.
can you see any difference?

i have soo many face with different kind model of my hair.hehehe

i cut it at wednesday, 20 january.
when my mom saw my new hair (she wanted to pray and looked very surprised till couldn't wink her eyes) she said, "kakak potong cepak lagi??"
and i replied, "iaaa.hehe ganteng kan"
she, "kapan mau panjang" then she left me to take pray.
till now, i feel that my mother miss my hair.
i realized both of my mother and my mother really want me to have veryy loooooooooooooong haiir, but somehow i'm easily bored to have a same model of hair for a row rime, soo i love to cut my hair...

next day at school (the day that all the student would take a photograph for my year book) everyone (almost) surprised with my hair.
my bahasa teacher said that i'm like "the virgin" (he meant i look like mita, but i dont think so)
my friend, anton, said, "kalo nay cowo, gue mao dah jadi gay"
another friend, meitha said, "nay ganteng, aku jadi naksir"
almost every one that i like (i dont want to know the strange people or the people that i dont like opinion.hehe) said that i good in this model, but some of them said that i look more beautiful with my long hair (but i do love all)

then yesterday when my father came home and i was taking a bath, i heard his voice and thingking "waduuh ayah pulaang, kaga dianggep anak gue daah.."
i took a long time in my bathroom and thought..
soo i had an idea. i get dressed and covered my wet hair with towel.
in front of my dad i open the towel with said, "ayah liat deh... ganteeng kaan" he only smile and got busy with his handphone (what a pity i am)
not long after that, my father asked to me, "kamu ada apaan potong ampe grages kaya gini?"
"buang sial" i answered it.haha he hit my back and only said "bondol"
haaa?? wt....

(till now i dunno what my boyfriend opinion.... miss you)