Thursday 24 October 2013

Late post, curhat yg ga ke post, hape, dan UTS

Hello. I know this is a super late post.
But... hey don't you know I've been posted something here but it is not even saved as draft? Sh**.
Okaay waktu itu posting gue berisi cerita mengenai apa yang harus gue lakukan di keesokan harinya.
Ceritanya disuatu malam, gue mencoba buat tidur tp sampe jam 1 kurang gue belom tidur padahal jam 8 gue ada PE Class dan abis itu ada meeting d Purwokerto. Belom lagi rencana ke tempat KP yang ujung2nya batal.hehe

Skip to the main topic, sebenrnya ini postingan mw bilang thank you sama pak Haji yg belom resmi.
Makasih ooh hapenya. It has been like 8 month since he gave me this phone. Samsung galaxy note 2. Even this phone is kinda big, but this is much more better that others phone that I know. I could do my task here and sooo many things that I found in this phone is interesting and usefull.
Few months go the next series of this phone is up and I won't give a damn on it. This is more than enough for sure.haha
Thank you Thank you Thank you :)
Well even you cut my monthly money and took the camera.haha

Anywaay hari ini adalah hari UTS pertama.
Aak super excited about my uni live.haha
Wish you a super good luck palss.
Move your ass ti get up!

posted from Bloggeroid


apa pendapat kalian??