Tuesday 31 May 2011

ONE day being a Supporter!

29th may is the bussines supporter day ever!

start from 2pm i was going to GOR Susilo for supporting the FST team at football competition. unfortunately, we lost :(

then 7pm i was going to Soemardjito building, support FST (well, the engineering team WENT TO FINAL for the FIRST TIME! Alhamdulillah) again in IFDC (debating championships) niatnya sih cuma mau masang muka karena kasian berto maen bola dua babak. tapi dalem hati mau banget semau maunyaa nontoon ituu >.<

parahnya lagiii gue panas banget liat ekonomi yang dateng dandan-dandan pluus pada bawa macem-macem spanduk gitu.
how about us, the engineering team, was???
cuma pake celana polos BIASA banget, plus kaos. dan gue masih dengan baju bekas support team bola...
OMG, i do rally jealous. mana gada yg mau gue suuruu ngeprint poster dulu lagi -_________-
akhirnya gue pulang karena bener-bener kasian ama si berto.
sampe kosan gue curhat sama anak-anak yang ada di ruang tengah kosan (dateng-dateng curcol, pdhal mreka lagi ngerjain iut. serasa penting aja guee) termasuk partner team debat gue, erwin...
g: "mauu nontoon win"
e: "gue jugaa mi, cuma yaa itu gue diajakin syahir tadi sore, cuma gue mau ngerjain iut"
g: "yah erwin, syahir dimana?
e: "kosan"
g: *belingsatan semangat banget, " yaudaa wiin bilangiin diaa suruu jempuut gue sekarang"
and finnaly alhamdulillah i got there, Sumardjito building im coming!
brought all thing that i could brought and tadaaaaaa the battle was sooo FABULOUS!

we WON!
inget banget gue third speaker dari ekonomi which is the affirmative team, said to the engineering team: "so bye bye to the negative team"
and then we are the winner. maluu gue jadii anak ekonomi.hihihi
biarpun split yang penting SAY YES TO ENGINEERING TEAM! uyeaaaa

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